Songs For Dealing With The Realities of The “Global Pandemic”

I know, the realities are almost incomprehensible. The world will never be the same again. What is going on? When will this apparent nightmare end?

Romans 8:31

I hope and pray that one or more of these songs will help you personally deal with the current and future realities of the global pandemic. God bless you and protect you and your entire family.

1. Brian & Jenn Johnson — “You’re Gonna Be Ok”

Life-changing message — You may feel like it is a fight just to keep your life together. You may feel like you are too far gone, but hope is never lost. Hold on, don’t let go. Just take one step closer, put one step in front of the other. Follow the light in the darkness. You’re gonna be ok.

2. Kari Jobe— “The Garden”

Life-changing message — If you are on the verge of giving up, if you are desperate for a sign from love, something good, something kind, bringing peace to every corner of your mind — this song is for you.

3. Steffany Gretzinger & Amanda Cook — Out of Hiding

Life-changing message — If you have been feeling lost at sea, living in darkness — this song will illuminate your heart and mind. You were loved before you knew what love was by our Father.

4. Amanda Lindsey Cook — “Awakening”

Life-changing message — We can get to a point in our lives where we feel stuck inside of the life we have led so far. We want to shut off from the world. We are lost. We feel abandoned. No matter what we have tried in our lives, we feel trapped and in darkness. It is a very personal thing to experience. This song is about hitting this point and starting our own personal awakening.

5. JJ Heller — “Big Love, Small Moments”

Life-changing message — In the fullness and complexity of life, we can miss all the small moments where the most incredible feelings and emotions can come from. Big love happens in the small moments with our partners, our children, our family. There is no point chasing money for happiness — you can’t buy peace you are after.

6. Steffany Gretzinger — “We Dance”

Life-changing message — When our hope seems lost, when its hard to keep our faith, our Father is there for us to dance with. He will never leave us.

7. Lauren Daigle — “Rescue”

Life-changing message — You are not hidden. There has never been a moment that you were forgotten. You are not hopeless. Our Father will send out His army to find you in the middle of the darkness.

8. Upperoom — Surrounded (Fight My Battles)

Life-changing message — You may feel like you are surrounded with the circumstances of your life, but you are surrounded by the love of God. He will fight your battles for you.

9. “This Little Light of Mine”

Life-changing message — In periods of darkness like in 2020 and the global pandemic, let your light shine. You have been given the gift of love and light to shine in to the darkness. Your light will light up peoples lives around you.

10. Cory Asbury and Brandon Lake — “Stand In Your Love”

Life-changing message — When brokenness and fear is what you are feeling, you can stand in the love of God. Fear doesn’t stand a chance when you stand in Gods love. This is an incredibly powerful song that gets stronger as it goes on

11. Hillsong Worship — “Even When It Hurts”

Life-changing message — In the darkest periods of our life, when we turn to our Father and praise Him, we are showing Him that we aren’t blaming Him for what we are going through — instead we trust in Him to never leave us, and we have faith that He will carry us through the storm and dark valley in to peace and freedom.

12. Maverick City | TRIBL— “Man of Your Word”

Life-changing message — Our Father never lies. The promises He gives us in the Bible, He will keep — we just need to believe in Him and trust Him completely. He is a man of His word. If He said it we believe it.

13. Maverick City | TRIBL — “Most Beautiful / So In Love”

Life-changing message —This song is quite simply beautiful. It talks about the love of God and how beautiful it is when we dwell in Him.

14. Maverick City | TRIBL — “Promises”

Life-changing message — This song talks about the promises of God. Time and time He has proven that he does what He says. Great is His faithfulness to you.

15. Hillsong United — “Another In The Fire”

Life-changing message — Know that you will never, ever be alone. There is always another in the fire next to you. Jesus is with you and will always will be with you.

16. Elevation Worship — “Graves into Gardens”

Life-changing message — When you have searched and searched to get peace, God is waiting for you. He will redeem you. He will put you back together. He will bring you his peace which surpasses all understanding.

17. The Emerging Song— “Let Revival Come”

Life-changing message — Even though you may be walking through the valley of darkness, our Father will bring revival into you life. He will set your spirit on fire. He will give you salvation. Let revival come!

18. Kari Jobe —” I Am Not Alone”

Life-changing message — When you walk through deep waters, our Father is with you. You are not alone and you never will be. When you are standing in the fire, you will not be overcome. Through the valley of the shadows, you will not fear. You are not alone. Our Father will go before you and never leave you.

19. Lynda Randle — “One Day At a Time”

Life-changing message — We need to take one day at a time. When ask Jesus to give us the strength to do what we need to do, one day at a time. Tomorrow has gone and we shouldn’t dwell on the past. Jesus, show us the way each day. We are only human.

20. Charles Jenkins & Fellowship Chicago — “War”

Life-changing message — We are in a spiritual war, and we have got joy in our soul as God is in control. Satan is attacking but we watch when we pray, and we will never, ever turn back. This means war Satan!!!

21. Kari Jobe & Cody Carnes — “The Blessing”

Life-changing message — God is for us, not against us. This is a breathtaking song to bless you and your whole family, taken straight from scripture.

22. Jesus Culture — “Break Every Chain”

Life-changing message — There is power in the name of Jesus to break every chain. There is an army rising up and you are part of that army.

23. Steffany Gretzinger— “Waymaker”

Life-changing message — God is working in our midst. Even though we may not always see it, He is working. Even though we may not always feel it, He is working. This is an incredible song which builds and builds, showing us how much our Father is the waymaker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness.

24. Bryan & Katie Torwalt — “My Hallelujah”

Life-changing message — If you have been afraid, run to our Father. Nothing can take away your Hallelujah. No darkness can take away your Hallelujah.

25. Hillsong United — “Oceans”

Life-changing message — Maybe God has called you out of your comfort zone, and wants you to trust Him that He will not let you sink. Keep your eyes above the waves. Rest in His embrace, as you are His and He is yours.

26. Cody Carnes — ”Run To The Father”

Life-changing message — You have carried a burden for too long on your own. You weren’t created to bear it alone. God is inviting you to let it all go. Its time to run to the Father and fall in to grace. There is no reason to wait. Your heart needs a surgeon, your soul needs a friend.

27. Lauren Daigle — ”You Say”

Life-changing message — If you have been fighting voices in your mind that say you are enough, this is for you. Every single lie that tells you that you will never measure up — God will shine light and truth into your life. He will remind you of who you are, a precious child of God, and you are loved.

28. Jonathan and Melissa Helser — ”Raise A Hallelujah”

Life-changing message — When you have a giant stood in front of you, its time to raise a Hallelujah. In the presence of your enemies, raise a Hallelujah, louder than the unbelief. Its time to sing in the middle of the storm.

28. Maverick City Music | TRIBL Music — ”I Am Loved / There Is Nothing Better”

Life-changing message — You are loved by our Father more than you can possibly comprehend. He is not embarrassed or ashamed of you, no matter what you have done in your life. He loves you.

29. Hillsong Worship — ”New Wine”

Life-changing message — In the most pressing, challenging periods of our life, we are actually being changed from the inside out in preparation for living a completely transformed life filled with pure love and peace. This pressing, creating in us a new “wineskin”, is absolutely essential for us to move into the fullest life we could ever imagine.

30. LIFE Worship UK — “Dance Again”

Life-changing message — When our heart is breaking, when our strength is almost gone, singing praises provides us with the lifeline we are looking for. In the dark night of our souls, we aren’t abandoned — your tears will dry, your heart with mend, your scars will heal, and you will dance again.

31. Cody Carnes — “Run To The Father”

Life-changing message — Before we come to Faith and give our life to Christ, we carry burdens which are too big for us to carry on our own. God wants us to let it all go, to hand it over — He wants us to run to Him and fall into His grace.

32. United Pursuit — “Beautiful”

Life-changing message — Divinely beautiful, you came into my world. You were the lifter of my head, now my heart will follow.

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