Do I Have A Right To Choose Not To Wear a Face Mask?

Photo from the United Nations —

Photo from the United Nations —

The short answer is yes, you do have a choice.

The longer answer is that yes you do, and the more people like yourself that are aware of this truth, the more opportunity there is to start reversing the path that humanity is heading down in 2020.

Your body is your property. You can choose to breathe freely. Nobody has the authority in this world to mandate whether you wear a face covering or not.

Henna Maria explains this all in this 27-minute video. I would have provided a YouTube link but she has been blocked on that channel, just as many people and many accounts are getting blocked by YouTube and Facebook.

Ending the Mask Debate Once And For All

Further information & reading


Complete Freedom & Peace Through God’s Wisdom & Prayer


Songs For Dealing With The Realities of The “Global Pandemic”